Sayana and Kenji


 created by  par Jean-Marie Bédard 

Sayana was a highly respected princess in the village of Omiya, known for her wisdom, beauty, and kindness towards all inhabitants. She helped the less fortunate and attended to her royal duties. Although she loved her people, her heart belonged to Kenji, a simple peasant loved for his generosity, gentleness, and love of nature.

Their passionate love was put to the test due to their different aspirations. Kenji dreamed of living in the mountains, close to nature, while Sayana felt bound to her role as a princess and her responsibilities towards her people. She found it difficult to imagine abandoning everything she had known to start a new life with Kenji in the mountains.

Despite their differences, Kenji offered Sayana a magnificent bonsai, a tree that symbolized the union of their love and represented the strength and beauty of their relationship. Touched by this wonderful gift, Sayana suggested to Kenji that they take care of the bonsai together, pruning and watering it so that their love would grow and flourish forever.

They spent hours caring for their bonsai, helping each other trim the branches and water the roots. However, despite their shared love and passion for bonsai, they often argued, unable to understand each other and disagreeing on how to share their life together. Their relationship couldn't take root and fully flourish due to the hurtful words they exchanged.

The bonsai, reflecting their relationship like a mirror, felt the anger flowing between them, suffering from the effects of their constant disputes. Sayana was distraught and saw each falling leaf as a painful reminder of their difficulties.

Moreover, she feared their love might not survive. Over time, the bonsai became increasingly bare and weak. Each falling leaf represented another argument. Torn by this situation, Kenji wished he could be like a leaf and be carried away by the wind to the mountains, far from this impossible love.

Kenji's wish came true and nature suddenly unleashed its fury: a gentle breeze turned into violent winds, the lightning of the gods fell from the sky, dragons roared and thunder rumbled, while lightning bolts snaked across the sky. All around Kenji, hundreds of leaves swirled in the air before disappearing, carried away by the gusts that shook the bonsai.

The following day, the villagers recounted that Kenji had been carried away by the wind, as if he had been captured by Raijin and Fujin, the gods of thunder and wind. His disappearance created great sadness among the villagers, especially for the inconsolable princess. Although the villagers and soldiers conducted searches until nightfall, no one was able to discover what had happened to Kenji.

Sayana was devastated, but she understood that their love was as fragile as the small bonsai tree that now had only a single leaf trembling in the breeze. She spent the night crying, but decided to care for the tree as if it were her lover, talking to it, singing songs to it, and recounting their love story, their passion, and their desire to live together.

She hoped to find her lover, as she couldn't imagine her life without Kenji. She noticed that the single leaf remaining on the branch pointed towards the mountain like a compass. She thought that this could be a sign indicating that Kenji was in the mountains.

The last leaf was a symbol of final hope for Sayana, who was determined to find him. She managed to mobilize an army of volunteers and knights to help her in her quest. Together, they traversed the mountains for weeks in search of Kenji, using the last leaf as their only guide, pointing northward.

After several weeks of searching following the clue given by the last leaf of the bonsai tree, Omiya's army finally found Kenji in the northern mountains, exhausted but alive. Although the conditions were difficult and isolated, Kenji managed to survive thanks to his courage and perseverance, as well as the help of Sayana, his love. Due to his tenacity and belief, he was able to be found safe and sound.

They embraced, looked into each other's eyes, and vowed to love each other forever. They had finally understood that their love was stronger than anything, even differences in lifestyle and disagreements. They had learned to work together and communicate harmoniously, overcoming all the difficulties that stood in their way.

Their love survived a storm and emerged stronger than ever. They shared their life between the mountain and the castle, where Sayana continued to fulfill her royal duties. They invited their friends to spend time with them in their mountain home, sharing their love of nature and their passion for a simple life filled with happiness.

The leaf, which had pointed in the direction where Kenji was in the mountains, became a magical symbol of love and perseverance for the inhabitants of Omiya, who now continue to draw inspiration from Sayana and Kenji's story to overcome obstacles in their own lives.

The legend of their love and the bonsai is sung and told by storytellers across the country, etched in collective memory for eternity. Their love story triumphed over all trials and storms, inspiring generations. Today, the bonsai still stands at the center of Omiya, flourishing and majestic, a reminder of their love and legendary tale that has endured through the ages.

To life, to love

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