Fly is the story of a bird that has a deformed wing that prevents it from migrating. Abandoned by his flock, he sinks in despair. Everything changes the day Pio-Pio appears. This d... More Details
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Fly is the story of a bird that has a deformed wing that prevents it from migrating. Abandoned by his flock, he sinks in despair. Everything changes the day Pio-Pio appears. This d... More Details
When Plum hatches from his egg, the little dinosaur is not ready for the universe in which he was born. Carefree and mischievous, he roams around, watched by a dragonfly. However, ... More Details
Fils du roi David et héritier du trône de Jérusalem, le jeune Salomon est chassé loin de son royaume par le diabolique Asmodeus. Perdu dans le dés... More Details
A father tries to stay connected with his unconscious daughter through music. He plays a windup music box and hopes she can hear it while fighting with his own emotions to stay str... More Details
An enormous, fluffy, and utterly adorable rabbit is heartlessly harassed by the ruthless, loud, bullying gang of a flying squirrel, who is determined to squash his happiness. Di... More Details
⭐️Premium Member • When a precious object disappears from your life, there is only one destination to find it: the lost and found office. This mysterious place, guardian of lo... More Details
Une jeune femme solitaire, Sintel, secourt et se lie d'amitié avec un dragonneau, qu'elle nomme Scales. Mais lorsque celui-ci se fait enlever par un dragon adulte, S... More Details
In a world where energy is scarce and precious, an elderly man, impoverished and desperate, attempts a daring break-in at a heavily guarded battery factory. As he navigates the tre... More Details
⭐️ Premium Member • "Spring" is a poetic and visually stunning short film that tells the story of a shepherd girl and her dog as they confront ancient spirits ... More Details
⭐️ Membre Premium • Lorsqu'un groupe d'adolescents turbulents s'aventure dans une forêt isolée, ils découvrent des créatures champignons... More Details
Young princess Maria has had enough of her royal life - it's nothing but lessons, responsibilities and duties piling up, hour after hour, day after day. Overwhelmed, Maria le... More Details
In this animated short film, a fisherman and his dog are joined by a heron on their boat. A series of interactions between the dog and the bird leads to an unexpected discovery a... More Details
Two polar bears, forced to leave their natural habitat due to global warming, embark on a long journey southward. They encounter brown bears and must learn to coexist despite their... More Details
L'esprit d'un jeune garçon de septième année s'évade alors qu'il dissèque une grenouille durant le cours de biologie. Imaginez ... More Details
L'hiver s'abat sur le royaume et l'ogre des montagnes enlève la belle princesse Mélie Pain d'Épice. Léon, un jeune ours, sauvera-t-il la... More Details
L'hiver s'abat sur le royaume et l'ogre des montagnes enlève la belle princesse Mélie Pain d'Épice. Léon, un jeune ours, sauvera-t-il ... More Details
Meena n'a jamais apprécié la lecture malgré une maison remplie de livres. Pourtant, un événement inattendu pourrait bien la r&eacut... More Details
Ce court métrage d’animation image par image raconte le périlleux parcours de la tortue marine, une espèce en grave danger d'extinction. To... More Details